Home Desi Sangeet 106 FM

Sangeet 106 FM


Sangeet 106 FM Trinidad online Radio

Sangeet 106 FM and 106.1 Sangeet FM station based in Trinidad Spain, the station is truly made by aisan community living in Spain and it is  based in  cities of Trinidad and Tobago. many talented rj’s and Djs are working here to bring the fun for south asian people living in spain including Urdu and Hindi speaking Indians and Pakistanis

This FM  radio station broadcast at two frequencies 106 FM and 106.1 FM . transmission depends on location of listener, if listener is faraway then audio quality will be fade and low , while person nearer to broadcast location will experience high quality listening.

106.1 FM Sangeet Trinidad Live Streaming

you can tune in this radio live and online just wait few seconds after pressing play button

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