Home Canada CFAK-FM 88.3

CFAK-FM 88.3


CFAK-FM Québec - La radio étudiante de l'Université de SherbrookeCFAK-FM 88.3 is a Sherbrooke based Campus radio of Université de Sherbrooke and is owned by Comité de la radio étudiante universitaire de Sherbrooke (CREUS) which received permission from Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission for the FM station on March 7, 2003. Serge Langlois is the Director General at present. The applicant agreed to produce 100 hours (on average) of programming each broadcast week and it would be no less than 84 hours weekly. Programming would agree to the needs and interest of students and community with focus on regional and events held at campus. Programs for the promotion and launching of local artists would be also in pipeline. Moreover, there would be an ample recruitment of the volunteers to run the community-based campus station. CFAK-FM hit the waves in same year (2003). License of the channel was last validated by CRTC on Aug 28, 2012 until Aug 31, 2017.

Listen CFAK-FM 88.3 Sherbrooke, QC Online

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More About CFAK-FM 88.3

CFAK 88.3 FM is a unifying radio that encompasses all aspects of student and university life and is an anchor for the promoting of culture in campus. CFAK is a platform for artists and an important player in regional cultural development. The station plays an important role in the promotion of musical culture in the Sherbrooke region because of the recognition provided to emerging local groups. To promote emerging music, highlight the music of local artists and serve as both springboard and school for radio enthusiasts is the mission of CFAK 88.3 FM. In addition to that, CFAK is a place of expression and exchange where students can come and talk about their interests. Students and community can have the radio online with actualités, actualités culturelles, Votre musique, vidéos, Balados, ÉVÉNEMENTS and ÉQUIPE info, Concours (Concours! Suivez-nous sur Snapchat!, Concours aux couleurs de CFAK) and more. Follow CFAK-FM 88,3 on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Here is the website: www.cfak883.usherbrooke.ca

CFAK-FM 88.3 Programmation

La Renverse Légend’Autrefois Ménage à trois Black Hours
F’Rapé Les chroniques des Cannadel Consensacre
Moment Ça brass en Estrie L’Élite du Métal Les Cabarets centre-ville
Cinérama Réveil en douceur Les chroniques du Les Geeks ont raison
Les dessous de l’Oncle La Réfutation L’UdeS est Football Transam
Remix ta console Corps à corps Dis-moi ce que tu fais Nova Res
Le Chalet Va chercher le fusil SHERBROOKE DANS TES OREILLES L’heure des créateurs
Entre ciel et terre Jukebox Show Le Snooze Les shows (pas) live
Mangue Goyave et Reggae Des gougounes et du sable Kaleidoscope
100% Vert et Or Palmarès CFAK À la croisée des chemins

CFAK-FM 88.3 Animateurs

Anna-Maria Tsanaclis Vanessa Exama Gaëlle Champagne
Marcel J. Nault Eric Laverdure Mélanie Gaulin
Guillaume Mathieu Marie-Hélène Choquette Virginie Houle
Luc Lainé D.J. Skank Samuel Préfontaine
Antoine Mathieu Etienne Dubuc Alexandre Juneau Fecteau
Simon Boucher Marc-André Hachey David Maurice
Sylvain Besombes Jessica Raymond Serge Langlois


Address: 2500 Boulevard université Local G3-3003

Sherbrooke, Quebec

Tel: 819 821 8000 #62693

Email: info.cfak883@usherbrooke.ca