Home Canada 101.9 Rock

101.9 Rock


CKFX-FM Ontario - North Bay's Best Rock101.9 Rock aka CKFX-FM is a rock radio launched in 1922 as an AM station and moved to FM dial in 1966. Owned by Rogers Media, a subsidiary of Rogers Communications the CKAT-FM was relaunched on Jan 19, 1967 on a frequency of 93.7 MHz using an ERP of 5,860 w. CKAT Broadcasters Ltd. 100% owned by the family of Gerry Alger sold the radio to Northern Broadcasting Ltd. in 1973. To resolve the interference issue caused by two of CBC’s stations in the city Northern Broadcasting and CBC reached CRTC in 1978. Format was changed from Contemporary Middle of the road to country and western on March 27, 1979.

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Listen 101.9 Rock (CKFX-FM) – North Bay’s Best Rock online from North Bay, Ontario. Wait as the stream loads.

More About CKFX 101.9 FM

Interference issue was tackled by changing the frequency to 101.9 MHz and 68,000 watts became the new wattage for transmitter effective by the Sep 1979. CKAT-FM became CKFX and was branded as 102 FM The Fox on Aug 12, 1996. In 2002 The Fox FM was purchased by Rogers Communications. 102 FM The Fox became The New 101.9 The Fox in June 2013 and was again rebranded as 101.9 Rock on June 7, 2016. CKAT and CHUR-FM are the sisters of the radio. Audiences can receive the channel online with on demand content, latest news, events calendar, contests (The Morning Show Contest, Text Us Tuesday, Free Wing Wednesday), shows info, popular videos and more. Follow the 101.9 Rock on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Here is the website: http://www.1019rock.ca/


Kathleen Atkinson- Hindle Vanessa Smith
Indy Hour Bryan Floyd
The School of Rock Joseph Gaughan
The Morning After with Mitch & Vicki Two Hour Commercial Free Rock Ride
Saturday Night Rock Show


Address: 273 Main Street East

North Bay, Ontario

P1B 1B2

Tel: 705 474 2000

Email: thefox@foxradio.ca