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UQAC Québec - Université du Québec à Chicoutimi CEUCRadio is a an internet radio owned and operated by Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (UQAC), a campus of University of Quebec in Saguenay. UQAC’s student radio broadcasts 24×7 on the Web and on campus a great deal of programs that inform and entertain students. CEUCRadio encourages students of UQAC to share their knowledge and discoveries. Whether you love music, culture, health, politics, finance, history or gastronomy, CEUCRadio invites you to share your passions! The mission of CEUC is to allow members of the academic community to express themselves through a newspaper and radio. The content of its media is oriented towards the dissemination of knowledge. Programmation and content is aimed at the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean student community and the regional population. The CEUC team promotes the engagement of the student community. It is the volunteers and the members of CEUC that allow the organization to spread on paper, on the air and on the Internet. Its media welcomes UQAC students, with or without experience, who are attracted by communications and journalism. Students can listen the campus radio online news, talk, sports, arts et culture, opinions and Blogue. Follow CEUCRadio on Facebook and Twitter. Here is the website: www.ceuc.ca

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Listen CEUCRadio online from Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, Quebec. Wait as the stream loads.



Address: 555 boulevard de l’université (Local P0-3100)

Chicoutimi, Québec


Tel: 418 545 5011 Ext 2011

Email: ceuc@uqac.ca