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CKIA-FM QuebecCKIA-FM is an urban community radio and citizen that promotes the emergence of an inclusive, solidary and progressive society in the Greater Québec City area. To do this, it: Gives voice to individuals as well as to community and voluntary organizations; Broadcasts programs that promote reflection on the issues of society and inspire action; Offers diverse and original cultural content that highlights the local scene. Launched on Oct 31, 1984 as a neighborhood station is a community radio owned by Radio Basse-Ville and covers the Quebec City. The Francophone community Radio CKIA-FM singed on air after Radio Basse-Ville was awarded a license on March 1, 1984.

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More About CKIA-FM 88.3

CRTC allowed CKIA to use a frequency of 96.1 MHz using an ERP of 6.8 w. Amends were made in the technical contours when the Canadian commission upon licensee’s request changed the frequency to 88.3 MHz and incremented ERP to 350 w. CRTC renewed the license on May 17, 2007 to Aug 31, 2014. TransRéalité launched in 2016 is a spoken word program focusing on transgender issues in the Quebec. M. Bryan St-Louis is the President of the CKIA-FM. Audiences can have Toutes les actualités, Vie citoyenne, musique and more. Follow the CKIA-FM 88.3 FM on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Here is the website: www.ckiafm.org

CKIA-FM 88.3 Programs


Métissage Turlutte! Profil Le Vieux Show
Les préférées British Connection La fanfare du somnambule Jazz-moi ça !
Jazz Bazar Dread Al Control Reggae Radio Show Concerto franco du jeudi Chut ! Madame lit (rediffusion)
La fanfare du jeudredi Aube Coin M Samedi de lire
L’Odyssée du rythme Qulture La mi-temps La fanfare du somnambule
La fanfare du somnambule du mercredi jeudi Concerto franco du lundi La fanfare du somnambule du mardi! mercredi Solénoïde
Mondes musicaux La discothèque C’est à moi que tu parles ? Tout le monde en déparle !
Un jour à la fois Classique…! L’odyssée du rythme (rediffusion) Le jardinier paresseux (rediffusion)
Déjeuner en paix Les capés Concerto franco du mardi Heure locale
Le jardinier paresseux Le Voyage Imaginaire Au boulot! Monte le son !
Planète Afrique DJ Adlib La fanfare du somnambule du lundi! Concerto franco du Vendredi
Pop velours L’angle mort L’heure surprise !
Résonance Science Énergie (Rediffusion) Évasion Rock


Address: 335, Saint-Joseph Est Bureau 200 Québec (Québec) G1K 3B4

Tel: 418 529 9026

418 914 2408

Email: programmation@ckiafm.org