Home Canada KYK 95,7 Radio X

KYK 95,7 Radio X


CKYK-FM Quebec KYK 95,7 Radio X is an active rock station owned by RNC Media and operating in Saguenay, QC. CRTC licensed Gestion Germaine Lévesque Inc. on Jan 6, 1993 for opening of a French language radio in city of Alma. Proposed frequency and ERP was 95.5 MHz and 50,000 w respectively. Programming coming from studios would be of 57 hours each week, rest would be filled by Cogeco. CKYK was launched somewhere in the later of 1993. A rebroadcast transmitter at Alma was approved in Aug 1994 by the commission. Frequency and ERP were changed in 2000 after CRTC’s announcement of new Commercial Radio Policy. Hereafter, KYK started using 95.7 MHz as its new frequency for a 100,000-watt transmitter. Format of CKYK-FM was changed to Alternative Rock in March 2009.

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Listen KYK 95,7 Radio X Saguenay, QC Online

Radio X, c’est différent et percutant! Listen KYK 95,7 (CKYK-FM) Radio X online from Chicoutimi, Saguenay, Québec. Stream may take a moment to load.

More About KYK 95,7

Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission renewed the license of CKYK-FM on May 28, 2010 until Aug 31, 2016. Effective Radiated power of KYK was decreased to 18,588 w in 2016. Information, discussions, interviews, debates and rock come together in a judicious mix that leaves no one indifferent. Radio X is a bit like talking with friends, sharing ideas, talking about real business, and where the term “freedom of expression” makes sense. Franco-Québec audiences can listen KYK 95,7 online and follow it on social media platforms of Facebook and Twitter. Here is the website: www.kykradiox.com

KYK 95,7 Radio X Programmation

Quart de nuit Légendes du rock Légendes Francos Fabi la nuit
Midi Pile Le Show du Matin Martineau – Trudeau Le Retour de Courchesne

KYK 95,7 Radio X Animateurs

Richard Martineau Martin-Thomas Côté Richard Courchesne Simon Tremblay
Jean-François Thorn Jonathan Trudeau Dominick Fortin Pierre-Alexandre Fontaine
Mark Dickey Frédéric Gagné Alexandra Tremblay


Address: 345, des Saguenéens, Local 160

Chicoutimi, (Québec), G7H 6K9

Tel: 418 543 8912

Email: dgagnon@radiox.com
