Home Turkey Kral FM

Kral FM


Kral FM Dinle

Kral FM Dinle

Kral FM is the most popular radio specially in Istanbul, Turkey. In English it is written and spoke as King FM. The following are the frequencies of this radio station. there is daily for kral fm top 10,  kral fm top 40 , you can listen this radio

The frequencies are listed below

92.0 Istanbul
92.0 Bursa
92.0 Kocaeli
92.0 Diyarbakir
92.0 Denizli
102.4 Ankara
96.2 Izmir
96.2 Sivas
105.4 Adana
105.4 Osmaniye
95.1 Konya
88.6 Eskisehir
93.9 Kayseri
99.7 Samsun
90.2 Antalya
98.1 Mersin
91.8 Erzurum
92.5 Sanliurfa
107.5 Gaziantep
104.9 Malatya
101.3 Sakarya
92.3 Trabzon